Ecological Bodying

Performance Creation/Research, Dance/Somatics, Practice/Theory

TRY site based performance Bernal Heights San Francisco, September 2021


TRY explores what Sadiya Hartman calls, “Acts of collaboration and improvisation that unfold within the space of enclosure.”

The TRY team’s collaborative work circles around the crises and potentials of land, healing, movement, consent, ownership and solidarity. We seek a soft experience where land acknowledgement and fascia can be woven into a single conversation. Where bodies are energies and powers at the same time, always entangled within the ecologies from which they emerge. We rehearse through site based performance and then bring what we learn into our opening at Z Space.

* * * * *
making difference differently together
beyond beyond beyond
body and land meet ancestry and futurity
opening me up
trying togethering centering relational
collaboration as laboratory during crises of togetherness
circles of overlap growing, circles of separation remaining
these are the questions that haunt me
it won’t be revealed until it’s there